Self Host PostgreSQL With TLS Complete tutorial on how to self-host PostgreSQL instance for production usage with TLS.
AES Encryption in Rust We will use aes-gcm crate from RustCrypto to add AES encryption in our Rust code. In this tutorial we will focus on AES-256.
Python Poetry Cheat Sheet Poetry is an amazing tool for dependancy management in Python, it solves a lot of problems of pip. Here in this Poetry Cheat Sheet we have useful commands that we may need frequently.
pyenv Cheat Sheet pyenv is Python version management tool, it lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. Here is the pyenv cheat sheet of all the basic commands list.
Automate Postgres Database Backup and Upload to S3 In this tutorial we will create a bash script to automate postgres database backup from a docker container and native postgres installation then upload to S3 based storage system.
How To Take Postgres Database Backup From Docker Container In this tutorial we are gonna use docker exec and cp command along with pg_dump to take Postgres database backup from docker container.
How To Store and Serve Private Media Files in Django In this blog post we will see how to use AWS S3 to store and serve private media files in django. S3 provides a layer of security by making object private and accessible to those with the valid presigned url.
How To Store Django Static and Media Files in AWS S3 In this guide we will use django-storages package to manage our static and media files. Let’s walkthrough the whole process on how to store django static and media files in aws s3.
Django Rest Framework File Upload API Uploading file via API is a very common requirement. In this guide we will learn to build Django Rest Framework File Upload API.
How to convert datetime to different timezone in Python using pytz Convert datetime to different timezone in Python using pytz.
Backup and Restore PostgreSQL database dump in Ubuntu Learn how to backup and restore PostgreSQL database dump in Ubuntu (Linux) and Mac.
Master Python Interview Questions with Answers Prepare for Python interview questions using this extensive list of questions and answers. This list takes you from beginner to intermediate to advanced level of python concepts in question-answer format.
LeetCode 347: Top K Frequent Elements | Python Leetcode 347: You are given an array nums and an integer k, you need to return k most frequent elements.