Self Host PostgreSQL With TLS
Posted by Vivek Shukla on Feb 3, 2025 under PostgreSQL
In this tutorial we will go through how to self-host PostgreSQL Database and setup TLS to securely connect.
Table of Contents
Installing PostgreSQL
Postgres APT repository configuration:
sudo apt install -y postgresql-common
sudo /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/
Install PostgreSQL 16
sudo apt install postgresql-16
After installing PostgreSQL, it creates a new user postgres
, which is the superuser of the database. We can switch to postgres
user in ubuntu to access postgresql command prompt:
sudo -i -u postgres
Now to create new user with passowrd and with privilege to create new db. It will ask you to enter your password, which will not be logged into history hence this is the recommended way to set password.
createuser your_db_user --pwprompt --createdb
Now we can exit from postgres
We will add new user in our Ubuntu with the same name as the new user we created in postgresql. (Optional) Add -m
to create home directory for the user.
sudo useradd -s /bin/bash your_db_user
Accessing psql as the new user we just created. Since we do not have any database associated with our user therefore we are using ‘-d postgres’ to use postgres db for now.
sudo -u your_db_user psql -U your_db_user -d postgres
Create your database.
CREATE DATABASE your_db_name;
This is how you can connect with your db if not already connected.
c your_db_name;
Setting Up SSL
It’s important that we secure our communication with the database while accessing it remotely. We are going to setup SSL certificate using certbot
from LetsEncrypt.
Install certbot
sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
sudo apt-get remove certbot
sudo snap install --classic certbot
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
Obtain certificate
sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d
Find PostgreSQL data directory
sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -c 'SHOW data_directory'
Create a renewal hook file
sudo nano /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/postgresql.deploy
Paste the following
umask 0177
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem $DATA_DIR/server.crt
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$DOMAIN/privkey.pem $DATA_DIR/server.key
chown postgres:postgres $DATA_DIR/server.crt $DATA_DIR/server.key
Save and exit the file.
Give file executable permission
sudo chmod +x /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/postgresql.deploy
Get the path of PostgreSQL configuration file
sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -c 'SHOW config_file'
Open the file in edit mode and update the SSL section of the file as below:
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/16/main/postgresql.conf
ssl = on
ssl_cert_file = 'server.crt'
ssl_key_file = 'server.key'
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = on
Locate the Connection Settings section and verify the listen_address is to * for all addresses. Make sure the line is not commented out.
listen_address = '*'
Edit pg_hba.conf
file which is in the same dir as config file:
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/16/main/pg_hba.conf
Add the following line to enable connection over ssl for any user and database:
hostssl all all md5
hostssl all all ::/0 md5
Renew the SSL certificate
sudo certbot renew --force-renewal
Restart PostgreSQL
sudo service postgresql restart
Connect to your db remotely
psql -d "dbname=your_db_name sslmode=require" -h -U your_db_user