What is hex

on Aug 3, 2024 under Miscellaneous

Hex, short for hexadecimal, is a base-16 numbering system used in computing and digital electronics. Here are the key points about hexadecimal:

  1. Base-16 System: Hexadecimal uses 16 distinct symbols to represent values. The digits 0-9 represent values 0 to 9, and the letters A-F (or a-f) represent values 10 to 15.

  2. Compact Representation: Hexadecimal is often used to represent binary data in a more human-readable form. Since one hexadecimal digit corresponds to four binary digits (bits), it is more compact and easier to read compared to binary.

  3. Usage in Computing:

    • Memory Addresses: Hexadecimal is commonly used to represent memory addresses in programming and debugging.
    • Colors in Web Design: Hexadecimal is used to define colors in HTML and CSS, where a color is specified by a hex code (e.g., #FFFFFF for white, #000000 for black).
    • Binary Representation: Hexadecimal is used to represent binary data, such as machine code and encoded data, in a more compact and readable form.
  4. Conversion: Conversion between hexadecimal and binary is straightforward:

    • Binary to Hex: Group binary digits in sets of four (starting from the right) and convert each group to its corresponding hex digit.
    • Hex to Binary: Convert each hex digit to its four-bit binary equivalent.


Here’s an example of converting binary to hexadecimal and vice versa:

  • Binary: 1101 1010 (split into groups of four: 1101 and 1010)
  • Hexadecimal: DA (where 1101 is D and 1010 is A)


  • Hexadecimal: 1F
  • Binary: 0001 1111 (where 1 is 0001 and F is 1111)

Hexadecimal simplifies the representation and manipulation of binary data, making it a crucial tool in various aspects of computing and digital electronics.

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